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What you'll get:
"Since joining the Download Growth Club my downloads are skyrocketing way up and I'm making lots of money with my podcast. You get coaching, courses, lots of resources, and you get to join a really cool community of podcasters."
Janet Fish, host of the Break Through Your Profit Ceiling podcast.
"I joined the Download Growth Club because I just wanted my podcast to reach more people and also to become the center of my content universe. My downloads had sort of flattened out and they weren't getting any better. My favorite part about being a member of the download growth club is the community of like minded people. We all have the same goal. The training library that Adam has created and that he is continuing to create. He's also very open to suggestions on what his members need. And also being able to have access to Adam's brain, his experience, and his brilliant out of the box ideas. If you ask me, it's one of the best investments I have ever made."
Laurie-Ann Murabito, from the Be In Demand podcast
I joined the Download Growth Club because I was feeling flat. My podcast was not moving forward, I felt frustrated, and after listening to so many of Adam's episodes, I just knew that to take it to the next level, I needed the type of support that he offered. What I love the most about the Download Growth Club Are the coaching sessions with Adam and the community. It has been amazing. I've rebranded my podcast and am just moving forward with so much gratitude to Adam. You won't regret joining the download growth club."
Sindee Gozansky, host of the Heart Centered Therapist podcast.
"My favorite part about being a Download Growth Club member is having access to an expert, to Adam. Because Adam has been there, done that. And he gives you great ideas all the time, ways to improve your podcast, to improve the marketability, to grow your podcast listeners over time. Whenever I do the work that he suggests, I see the results firsthand. So if you're on the fence, if you're thinking about making the investment in the download growth club. I have to say it is an investment that will definitely get you the ROI that you're looking for."
Brenda Meller, host of the Enthusiastically Self Employed podcast
My biggest Struggle has always been getting that reach that I feel like my show deserves. Within the first month of working with Adam, I doubled my downloads. My favorite part of this program is the group sessions that we have and just getting to have that time to bounce ideas off, ask questions. It's been completely amazing. I love it. And I'm so glad I found Adam.
Jessica Iturzaeta, host of the Learning To Glow podcast.
"Since joining the Download Growth Club in under 30 days, my downloads have doubled and I finally have a strategy for monetization."
Stephanie Shaw, host of The Hello Hot Flash podcast.
"I signed up for the download growth club because at that time, my numbers were just totally plateaued. Since then my numbers have nearly tripled! I find continued value in the support that Adam offers to the back end business piece of podcasting and that's helped me make real actual money!"
Meredith Edwards, The Meredith For Real podcast