Do you get less than 1,000 downloads per podcast episode?

If you answered "YES!" then take a few minutes to explore the information below! 

If you’re a podcaster that has launched your show and now you are looking to GROW your audience so that you can possibly go full time as a podcaster (or at least have a really fun, and lucrative side hustle) then you already know that this is going to take some work....but...I've got your back!

First off you need to give yourself a big pat on the back for launching your show...your message is out there! We all know that overcoming POD-crastination is a big deal....LOL

I remember when I first started my show and I was so excited to see my logo pop up on iTunes (now it's called Apple Podcasts)....I felt so much excitement about the opportunity for who I was going to get to connect with and impact.

But then a lot of that initial momentum went away as I saw what I considered to be "low" download numbers and I wasn't hearing ANYTHING from my audience.

The good news is that I eventually figured out this whole podcasting growth concept. I've now taken two of my own shows past the 500,000 download mark and I'm here to help you shorten your learning curve.

The Download Growth Club is specifically for you if:

  • You have already launched your podcast but you are getting less than 1,000 downloads per episode.
  • You want to learn how to build an amazingly engaged audience of ideal podcast listeners that are super excited to hear what you have to say.
  • You have dreams of hitting download numbers that will allow you to monetize your show or even become a full time podcaster like me!

Laurie-Ann Murabito

Be In Demand podcast.

I love being able to work directly with Adam! The training library is amazing and we have direct access to Adam's experience and brilliant outside of the box podcast growth ideas. Joining the DGC is one of the best investments I've made!

Sindee Gozansky

The Heart Centered Therapist podcast.

My podcast wasn't growing and I was frustrated! I needed Adam's help! I love the coaching sessions with Adam and the community. You won't regret joining the DGC!

Brenda Meller

The Enthusiastically Self Employed podcast.

I love having direct access to an podcast growth expert like Adam. He gives us great ideas all the time! When I do the work, I see the results. This is an investment that will definitely get you the ROI you're looking for.

Meredith Edwards

Meredith for Real: the curious introvert

After three years of podcasting my growth had stalled so I joined the Download Growth Club and my numbers have TRIPLED!!!

Jay Tinkler

The Remarkable Project

I've tried everything to grow my show and nothing was working. The Download Growth Club was the answer for me. Adam shows up with abundance!

Dr. James Bryant

Engineer Your Success

I started up with the Download Growth Club and my monthly downloads and audience engagement started to skyrocket! If you want to grow your audience Adam is the man!

Stephanie Shaw

Hello Hot Flash podcast.

Since joining the Download Growth Club, in under 30 days, my downloads have doubled and I finally have a strategy for monetization!

Jessica Iturzaeta

Learning To Glow podcast.

My biggest struggle has always been getting the reach that I feel like my show deserves. Within the first month of joining the Download Growth Club I doubled my downloads!

Janet Fish

Break Through Your Profit Ceiling podcast.

Since joining the DGC my downloads are skyrocketing and I'm making lots of money with my podcast! You get coaching, courses, lots of resources, and a really cool community of podcasters!

By joining this membership program,

you will have…


  • Specific systems and strategies to facilitate consistent growth for your show.

    No more suffering from download depression!
  • A mental shift about how you run your podcast.

    No more running your show like a hobby! You should still love it like a hobby, but we are going to build it like a business!
  • Follow along videos that teach you exactly how to build your Download Growth Pipeline.

    No more guessing and wasting TONS of money trying to figure this out on your own. 
  • An amazingly engaged community of ideal podcast listeners!

    No more hearing crickets! Your legion or raving fans will be excited to interact with you!

"As someone that features hundreds of speakers around the topic of Podcasting, Adam consistently over delivers every time I have featured him on a Podfest stage."

Chris Krimitsos, Podfest Expo

Enroll in The Download Growth Club Today


Join The Download Growth Club!


Lifetime membership

Join the club and build your

Download Growth Pipeline



O.P.P.: Other People's Podcasts

Module Highlights:

  • Learn how to identify the shows that have your ideal audience members listening in.
  • Learn the specific method I use to get booked on at least one podcast every week.
  • Learn how to do podcast promo intro swaps, episode takeovers, and my "dead show" technique to gain ideal podcast listeners.

The Social Media Download Surge

Module Highlights:

  • How to use social media follow up interviews and livestream sessions to dramatically increase your episode downloads and grow your social platforms rapidly.
  • Learn how to apply my 72 Hour Marketing Rule so that you have a specific strategy to promote every podcast episode you release.
  • Turn your raving podcast fans into your marketing team with episode share out giveaways.

How to use paid ads to grow your show (even with a super small advertising budget)

Module Highlights:

  • Finding the advertising opportunities that are going to give you the most download growth.
  • Specific strategies to use for paid ads to attract your ideal listeners.
  • Specific strategies on how to set up and run successful FB and IG ads to get more downloads.

Here’s what you’re getting when you enroll today:

The Download Growth Club lifetime membership

  • Group coaching with Adam every month - $197/month Value
  • The Download Growth Pipeline course - $497 value
  • Custom tools to help you SIMPLIFY your content creation and podcast growth process. -$297 value


But when you enroll today, you get lifetime access to everything for just $497.

It's time to GROW YOUR SHOW!


Lifetime Membership

Frequently Asked Questions

What people are asking before signing up for The Download Growth Club

I can’t wait for you to join The Download Growth Club!

After a full year of podcasting....I was ready to quit! I was super frustrated with my lack of an audience. I KNEW in my heart that my message was full of value, I just didn't know how to get people to listen in.

Fast forward to TEN years later and I'm a full time podcaster with two successful podcasts that have each crossed over the 500,000 download mark. My download numbers are growing consistently and so are the opportunities associated with my podcasts.

I know that you may have thought about giving up on your dream of having a successful podcast....I get it.....this is a tough road for many of us!

The good news is that I'm here to help you shorten your learning curve and I will do everything in my power to make sure you are able to build a tribe of loyal audience members that are eagerly awaiting each episode you put out!

No matter what you have "been in your own head about" in the past in regards to your podcast growth know this: Your message and the impact it provides is worth the effort!

The right people are out there waiting to hear from someone just like YOU and I'm going to make sure your message gets in front of those people! 

Ok Pod Pal.....It's time to take action together!


Love your podcast like a hobby, but build it like a business!

Enroll in The Download Growth Club Today

Start growing your podcast audience with ideal fit listeners!

Lifetime membership